Thursday, March 20, 2014

Stepping Stones

"Stepping Stones"
by: Michael R----

Do you ever wonder why in the world you are in this life for? Some people figure this out at an early age, some of us it takes twenty, thirty, forty, or even fifty years! And unfortunately for some, they never find out why they were put on this earth for. 

It’s a frightening thought, but everyone goes through this. I mean, I was just waking up a couple months ago questioning what in the hell do I want to do? I’m entering my last year in college, things in my personal life are crumbling into pieces, and just growing up gets to you. 

In a non depressing fashion, I started thinking to myself, “I don’t think I have been a huge significant part of someones life other than my intermediate family." Which is awesome and I’m grateful because I know some people don’t have the luxury to have a family so I’m not saying it with no shame. However when I think about friends, significant others, and acquaintances I started pondering, I haven’t really made a big impact in their lives. In a way I was a season in their life and I realized that many times, after they moved on from me they became who they are today. Now comes the most devastating thing in my thought process “Was I used as a stepping stone?"

I started thinking for multiple days “am I really a stepping stone? How did I become this?” So I honestly couldn’t figure this out, so I called one of my good friends about this and his piece of advise out of all this was “Hey if you’re being used for something, that means you are useful, not a lot of people can say that”, well I got a good laugh out of that but it wasn’t the answer I was looking for. Although in many ways, it was true.

Being used sounds terrible, its not really something you want to be associated as. Although it sounds unappealing, if you have what it takes to be someones stepping stone, then you possess something many don’t, that is the power of leading someone in the proper direction. Okay, maybe stepping stones don’t always lead you in the right direction, in fact their are some that you jump on halfway and you think, “Wow, this is great. This is much better than the other stepping stone I was on”. But in months you realize that it starts to sink and you know why you didn’t get on that stepping stone in the first place, one knew what was wrong with it but wanted to try something new. It is important to stay on track. Temptations represent the side stepping stones, but are you willing to give up a stepping stone that will endlessly help you through life for another stepping stone that will only be their for a short period of time? Sometimes its a tough choice, but those short term stepping stones usually want to lead you somewhere, where they can take advantage of one. I think we all been there and we fall for the same trap over and over in life.

Being a stepping stone doesn’t mean you aren’t using them as one. Flip the picture over and you are in a similar scenario. I think the worst part of this process, is when you help someone, and you think you are a big part but once they cross the lake, they continue without looking back, not a "thank you” and nothing in sight.

Although, sometimes you hope they come back and pick one up and invite you to another journey in life. Sometimes it doesn’t work that way. But one never gives up hope. If you believe in something, and you feel it in your heart even when you have tried to neglect it. It’s really a sign of something. I don’t know what, but it has to be something. One does not feel this way just to feel this way. I’ve never had bad intentions. I always tried to be the stepping stone that leads them to the right direction. I’m a good listener, I really just molded the stepping stones to things that you wanted. And I’m sorry I couldn’t adjust in time, to the direction you wanted to go. I’m sorry to not being up to par with your other stepping stones even though I was caught at a low point. I’m sorry for trying to keep things afloat. I’m sorry for caring too much. I’m sorry for showing the demeanor you once adored. I’m sorry for being honest. I’m sorry for putting myself out there. 

I’ve never understood how bad stepping stones get rewarded the most, but I figured out that if someone is determined to cross the lake, if they fall off that bad stepping stones, they will be determined enough to try and cross it, even though they know it won’t work but they keep going back to it. Rewarding bad behavior is what I will never understand. Makes me wonder if being honest and caring really works. Sometimes I want to tell everyone everything. From the good and bad. To the terrible to great. To the darkest secrets that that can ruin one’s reputation and test “friends”. But I’m better than that, and I would never do that. And even though I know for a fact that my secrets aren’t kept and I’m a laughing matter when conversing about this situation. I will stay true to myself, I respect people that I have come across in life and especially the ones who have been their for a long time. I know this won’t resonate to you, but I hope it resonates to others and gets the mind going when it comes to stepping stones. Follow your heart, and lead others with it.